Climate Portal
If you want to talk about the weather, please refer to specialists...
The Portal for Climate in Portugal, a project by The Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), is an online platform for the general public, where through a simple consultation or comparison of maps and graphs, you can easily access a vast set of climate information in Portugal such as: historical data, weather indicators and projections in various sectors, and where we can also analyze trends in climate change in Portugal.
This tool aims to contribute in increasing awareness and education in climate change, by sharing its scientific data with all audiences.
This tool aims to contribute in increasing awareness and education in climate change, by sharing its scientific data with all audiences.

As you enter the Climate Portal, you have immediate access to the most relevant indicators of the platform and, in a simple click, you can deepen or change the criteria of the data presented.
In the navigation options you can learn more about the project and consult other areas of useful information, such as the project's methodology or a glossary of technical terms.

Data visualizations and comparative views
Data search options are available in a large number of variables and information levels. You can also compare several indicators by date, geographical area, etc. in interactive map format or in graphics.
All data displayed is also available for download.

A clear and solid identity, with a hint of dynamism, translates the scientific, analytical and changing nature of this project.