Globalization Council
The Council for Globalization is an international forum, sponsored by the President of the Portuguese Republic, where world leaders can meet with the purpose of debating the challenges of globalization.

Taking place in 2007, in Sintra, in the scope of COTEC-Portugal, this forum had the participation of over twenty leaders of international companies, from twelve different countries - Europe, Africa, North and South America, Middle East, and Asia - and a similar number of representatives of Portuguese companies with global ambition.
Oceanlab was asked to develop the graphic component of the website, having as reference the concept of a global world, which was very clear in the name, objectives and characteristics of the agents participating in this forum.
As a website that relied essentially in the quick availability of useful information for the event, Oceanlab opted for graphic and operational simplicity, concentrating the most important informational contents, namely agenda, event location and participant's description.